[PGN][1V1][COMMANDS] All 103 1V1 Commands

Discussion in 'Multi 1v1' started by HashSlingingSlasher, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. HashSlingingSlasher


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#33519
    AWP: Rank#22114
    All 103 of 1V1 Command Lines
    You can find these by typing into command line 'sm_help' then 1-11 for page number.
    [001] +jetpack - No description available
    [002] -jetpack - No description available
    [003] ff - No description available
    [004] motd - No description available
    [005] multi1v1_spawninfo - Displays map spawn info
    [006] nextmap - No description available
    [007] resetscore - No description available
    [008] rs - No description available
    [009] sc_fw_block - Blocking player comms by command from sourceban web site
    [010] sc_fw_ungag - Ungagging player by command from sourceban web site
    [011] sc_fw_unmute - Unmuting player by command from sourceban web site
    [012] sm_advertisements_reload - Reload the advertisements
    [013] sm_arm - No description available
    [014] sm_arms - No description available
    [015] sm_autospec - Enables/disables autospec
    [016] sm_bayonet - No description available
    [017] sm_bet - No description available
    [018] sm_bowie - No description available
    [019] sm_butterfly - No description available
    [020] sm_chal - Allows users to challenge their friends!
    [021] sm_chal - Allows users to challenge their friends!
    [022] sm_challenge - Allows users to challenge their friends!
    [023] sm_coinflip - Use this commanad to flip the magic coin!
    [024] sm_comms - Shows current player communications status
    [025] sm_cookies - sm_cookies <name> [value]
    [026] sm_credits - No description available
    [027] sm_daggers - No description available
    [028] sm_default - No description available
    [029] sm_esp - Toggles glow on all players for users with "csgo_admin_esp_cmd" override access
    [030] sm_falchion - No description available
    [031] sm_farby - No description available
    [032] sm_flip - No description available
    [033] sm_gift - No description available
    [034] sm_givecredits - No description available
    [035] sm_gl - No description available
    [036] sm_glove - No description available
    [037] sm_gloves - No description available
    [038] sm_gls - No description available
    [039] sm_guns - Displays gun/round selection menu
    [040] sm_gut - No description available
    [041] sm_help - Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions
    [042] sm_hidestats - Hides player stats/ratings
    [043] sm_hitboxme - RankMe: Shows the HitBox stats
    [044] sm_huntsman - No description available
    [045] sm_inv - No description available
    [046] sm_inventory - No description available
    [047] sm_karambit - No description available
    [048] sm_knife - No description available
    [049] sm_knifes - No description available
    [050] sm_knive - No description available
    [051] sm_knives - No description available
    [052] sm_kosa - No description available
    [053] sm_kosy - No description available
    [054] sm_m9 - No description available
    [055] sm_manusa - No description available
    [056] sm_manusi - No description available
    [057] sm_mirror - Toggle Rotational Thirdperson view
    [058] sm_nametag - No description available
    [059] sm_next - RankMe: Shows the next 9 players above you on the TOP
    [060] sm_nominate - No description available
    [061] sm_nominate - No description available
    [062] sm_paints - No description available
    [063] sm_pattern - No description available
    [064] sm_raffle - No description available
    [065] sm_rank - RankMe: Shows your rank
    [066] sm_rankme - RankMe: Shows a menu with the basic commands
    [067] sm_rehash - Reload SQL admins
    [068] sm_resetmyrank - RankMe: Resets your own rank
    [069] sm_resetplayer - No description available
    [070] sm_revote - No description available
    [071] sm_searchcmd - Searches SourceMod commands
    [072] sm_session - RankMe: Shows the stats of your current session
    [073] sm_settings - No description available
    [074] sm_shop - No description available
    [075] sm_statrack - No description available
    [076] sm_statrak - No description available
    [077] sm_statsme - RankMe: Shows your stats
    [078] sm_statsme2 - RankMe: Shows the stats from a player
    [079] sm_stattrack - No description available
    [080] sm_stattrak - No description available
    [081] sm_store - No description available
    [082] sm_store_custom_credits - No description available
    [083] sm_top - RankMe: Shows the TOP
    [084] sm_topacc - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by accuracy
    [085] sm_topassists - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by Assists
    [086] sm_topdamage - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by damage
    [087] sm_topdeaths - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by deaths
    [088] sm_tophs - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by HeadShots
    [089] sm_topkills - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by kills
    [090] sm_topmvp - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by MVPs
    [091] sm_toptime - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by Connected Time
    [092] sm_toptk - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by TKs
    [093] sm_topweapon - RankMe: Shows the TOP ordered by kills with a specific weapon
    [094] sm_vip - Opens the Vip Menu
    [095] sm_vips - Shows all VIPs
    [096] sm_vpp_ad_grace - Outdated cvar, please update your config.
    [097] sm_vpp_immunity - Outdated cvar, please update your config.
    [098] sm_weaponme - RankMe: Shows the kills with each weapon
    [099] sm_weaponskin - No description available
    [100] sm_weaponskins - No description available
    [101] sm_wp - No description available
    [102] sm_ws - No description available
    [103] sm_wzor - No description available

    Note that some of these are for mod, or admin use only and you won't be able to use them.

    Thank you for viewing this! Hope it helps!
    ~Owen D.
    Hash for Pres 2018
    Trying to help every bit I can!
  2. Dylxn


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#2527
    AWP: Rank#1076
    Very useful for new members, good job!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Senpai ❤

    Senpai ❤

    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#18
    AWP: Rank#22114
    thanks a lot
  4. Illicit


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#3493
    AWP: Rank#22114
    Thanks now i can link people asking about command!