"Hi Bye" kinda weird but wanted to get to know some of you

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by bye., Jan 31, 2018.

  1. bye.


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#33519
    AWP: Rank#22114
    My name is Tyler but people call me bye because its my name :joy: but I have played awp #1 ez bhop and the retake servers . if you have seen me on ive probably been really quiet because i just dont talk alot anymore , it would be cool if you guys could tell me what PGN servers you play on and what you like about PGN . I personally love this community , full of very funny people , very different from others , has there own set of rules which are nice (very good rules) and I actually got to this server from playing on some other awp servers and i stayed because i saw a "old friend" named Giggles .

    ^no i wasnt saying bye i was saying my name :laughing:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. (^=o.o=^)▀█▀▀█


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#33519
    AWP: Rank#1076
    i play awp 1 and i am a cat. the end.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. HashSlingingSlasher


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#33519
    AWP: Rank#22114
    I play 1v1 constantly. Always watching.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Hops

    Hops Staff Member Admin

    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#898
    AWP: Rank#39
    i play on awp 1 :D
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Scrubzero


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#602
    AWP: Rank#6
    I play 1v1 mostly now kinda quit awp 1
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Dylxn


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#2527
    AWP: Rank#1076
    Living on 1v1 ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Brezzzy

    Brezzzy Mod

    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#1302
    AWP: Rank#30
    Living on AWP1 becaauusee I don't have a life and waste it on video games. The end.
  8. ✘ chaotic

    ✘ chaotic

    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#33519
    AWP: Rank#4
    Grinder of awp - ez - bhop