Game Servers - 9-11-2017

Discussion in 'Updates' started by Ant, Sep 11, 2017.

By Ant on Sep 11, 2017 at 3:54 AM
  1. Ant

    Ant Staff Member Owner

    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#184
    AWP: Rank#7
    All servers:
    • Changed some network cvars that needed to be increased for smooth gameplay.
    AWP #1:
    • Changed the maximum speed a player can achieve, keeps game play more fair.
    • Added aim_awp_bungalow_remake, AWP_Roost, AWP_Dream, AWP_Kazki, and AWP_Flutter to the map pool
    • Removed player skins from store, issued full refunds on all players that had purchased skins. The decision to remove custom player models came after a lot of thought and consideration. Some models are simply unfair, others broken and don't work properly.
    • Removed hats from store. Instead of refunding all hats currently in the store across all servers I set the original paid price of the item in your inventory to double of what you paid for it. If you wish to refund the item connect to our Surf Tier 1-2 server and do it how you normally would and you'll receive a full refund. Like player models (and probably more so), hats are broken as hell. Not all, but most offer an unfair advantage (astronaut helmet). I'm going to review all hats and determine which ones (if any) will be added back to the shop.


Discussion in 'Updates' started by Ant, Sep 11, 2017.