
Discussion in 'General server discussion' started by (^=o.o=^)▀█▀▀█, May 23, 2018.

  1. (^=o.o=^)▀█▀▀█


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#33519
    AWP: Rank#1076
    meow meow meow - kitty,,,, this is kitty and I am announcing my resignation. I have not opened csgo in over a month and I have no plans or interest to ever open the game again. I never enjoyed csgo as a game but I did enjoy PGN as a community. I only became apart of this community for the community not the game. Recently things have changed, PGN is no longer a family, PGN is a group of self minded individuals with spurts of caring people in between. It was an honor to be called an Admin of this community for the time I was but my time has come to an end. Maybe you will see me on rust :) I am a gOd. #catmanliveson
  2. Einstein


    Deagle: Rank#6508
    Multi1v1: Rank#33519
    AWP: Rank#22114
    Will definitely miss you Kitty. If I play Rust ever I'll hit you up :p